One-Line Diagram Kit Help

Working with the Home Ribbon

The Home ribbon provides commands that help you manage a diagram and the objects in that diagram. To access this ribbon, click the Home tab.

The Home ribbon includes the following command groups:

  • General commands help you to manage diagrams by creating, opening, and saving them. This command group also includes commands to undo mistakes and redo edits when working with diagrams.

  • Clipboard commands allow you to cut, copy, paste, and delete selected objects in a diagram.

  • Tools commands help you to add text, connectors, and paths to a diagram.

  • Import & Export commands allow you to import diagrams from existing visualization systems (the import feature is an add-on module that requires an additional license), export diagrams to an image, and print a diagram.

  • Grouping commands allow you to organize multiple objects into one selectable and editable group or to ungroup objects that have been placed in a group.

  • Arrangement commands allow you to move selected objects in front of or behind other objects.

  • Alignment commands help you to exactly align objects to one another.

  • Preview commands allow you to preview diagrams to verify correct appearance and behavior when visualized in the RTDMS client application.