One-Line Diagram Kit Help

Overview of One-Line Diagram Kit

Real Time Dynamics Monitoring System (RTDMS) One-Line Diagram Kit is a free-form drawing toolset that enables you to create one-line diagrams for both system and substation-level visualization in the RTDMS client application. System-level views offer a representation of bulk power system transmission lines, substations, and their connectivity. System-level views also allow you to drill down to substation levels, where you can view busses, breakers, switches, transformers, and line configurations.

You can create new one-line diagrams or import them from existing visualization systems (the import feature is an add-on module that requires an additional license). One-line diagrams provide complement geospatial displays, providing the flexibility to use geospatial displays for wide-area situational awareness and one-line diagram displays for zeroing in on specific transmission and substation information.