One-Line Diagram Kit Help

Overview of the Canvas

The canvas is the main area where you draw and update diagrams and specify properties for diagram objects. You can change canvas settings and use canvas tools to better help you as you draw objects. The tools that you use on the canvas (such as grid lines) are visible only with the canvas. They do not appear in the actual diagrams drawn on the canvas.

The following canvas settings and tools can help as you work with diagrams:

  • Vertical and horizontal rulers help you lay out the diagram.

  • A grid helps you draw objects in exact locations on the diagram.

  • Zooming allows you to zoom in and out of areas on the diagram.

  • Locking and unlocking the sizing and positioning of objects help prevent unwanted adjustments of diagram objects on the canvas.

  • A thumbnail toggle allows to see the section of the diagram you are viewing with respect to the entire diagram and to pan to different parts of the diagram.

  • A toolbox toggle allows you to show or hide the free-form drawing toolbox if it visually obstructs the diagram.