One-Line Diagram Kit Help

Saving Diagrams to ISG as New Versions

As you update diagrams from your ISG, you may want to save your changes as a new version of the diagram instead of saving the changes to the current version. When you save as a new version, the diagram saves your updates while also retaining all unchanged signal and behavior configurations from the previous version. Your previous diagram versions also remain on your ISG, and you can open and work with those earlier versions at any time.

To save a diagram to your ISG as a new version:

  1. Make sure you are working in online mode.

  1. Under the Home tab, click the Save to ISG as new version command.

  1. The diagram is saved as a new version on your ISG, and a pop-up message confirms that the version has been given the next incremental version number.

Note: When you save as a new version, the version you were previously working with remains as the open diagram on the canvas. You can open the new version from your ISG to continue working with it. You can always confirm the version number of the open diagram in the application title bar.

  1. If the saved diagram was already open (as the previous version) in the RTDMS client application, and if that diagram has been set in the RTDMS client application to load the latest version, then the user can refresh to the latest diagram version by resetting their profile.