Résumé Highlights
My résumé includes the following sections to demonstrate my experience in the documentation profession:
- Qualifications section highlights my strengths and experiences in the documentation field.
- Experience describes my 25+ years of work in the documentation profession.
- Education specifies my academic degrees, including my MFA from Point Park University and Master of Technical and Professional Writing degree from Northeastern University.
- Tools section lists the tools and technologies with which I have worked. It includes the preferred documentation tools, such as RoboHelp, Word, Dreamweaver, and DITA that I have used throughout my documentation career.
- Published Work lists work I have done, both written and in live presentation, that was distributed for public use.
- Printable Version is a PDF version of my professional résumé that you can view and print separately. I also have an academic CV if you are interested in reviewing my experience as it relates to teaching.