One-Line Diagram Kit Help

Undoing and Redoing Changes

One-Line Diagram Kit provides standard undo and redo features you can use when modifying diagram objects.

Note: One-Line Diagram Kit supports standard keyboard shortcuts, so you can use the CTRL+Z (undo) and CTRL+Y (redo) keyboard shortcuts as alternatives to the command functions documented here.

To undo and redo changes:

  1. Under the Home tab, click either of the following commands in the General group:

    • Undo: Undoes the most recent change. Use this command if you make an error and want to revert to the most recent setting.

    • Redo: Redoes a change that you undid. Use this command if you mistakenly used undo and want to reapply the change.

  1. Continue clicking the command as needed to continue undoing or redoing changes incrementally.