Home Device Page

The device page provides information and tools for managing a selected device.

To explore information about the selected device:

  1. The chart in the top panel shows real-time energy consumption for the selected device. The chart shows the device’s current and average energy consumption. The bar and line graphs show the device’s energy consumption in watts over the time frame that appears at the bottom of the chart, allowing you to compare the device’s current usage against its average usage. The bars show you the device's current energy usage for each hour of the current day. The line graph shows you the device's average energy for the same time of day. Drag the bottom slider back and forth to see earlier and later time periods of energy use. If you drag an end of the slider, you can expand or reduce the time period that is in view for the graph.
  2. Click the View Details link on the chart to open the Energy Detail page, which allows you to explore more information about your energy use.
  3. Compare your current usage for the device against your average usage to the right of the chart.
  4. Compare the device's energy usage to other devices connected to the same PowerNode under the Device Comparison panel. Click any of the time links under the chart to view the comparison for that time period.
  5. Click the Basic tab in the bottom panel to view energy consumption summary information for the device. Energy consumption information appears under the Energy Summary section.

To power on or off the selected device:

  1. Under the icons for the PowerNode and device in the bottom panel, click the Power On button to power the device on.
  2. Click the Power Off button to power the device off.

To rename the device:

  1. Click the Basic tab in the bottom panel.
  2. Click the link for the device name in the middle section.
  3. The Identify Devices page opens, where you can rename the device.

To edit the device type properties:

  1. Click the Basic tab in the bottom panel.
  2. Next to the Type label, click the device type to open the Identify Devices page, where you can select a new device type to re-categorize the device.
  3. Next to the Brand label, click the brand name to open the Identify Devices page, where you can select a new brand name for the device.

To remove the device from the Consumer Portal:

  1. Click the Basic tab in the bottom panel.
  2. Click the Delete button.
  3. When prompted, confirm that you want to delete the device.

To work with Smart Controls that control the selected device:

  1. Click the Smart Control tab in the bottom panel.
  2. To activate a Smart Control, click it in the Smart Control list.
  3. To access other Smart Control options, place your mouse over the Smart Control and click the options menu when it appears. Select a menu option to perform with the Smart Control:
    • Details/Edit: Select this option to view or edit the details of the Smart Control.
    • Delete: Select this option to delete the Smart Control. A prompt opens where you must confirm the deletion request. You cannot delete default smart controls.
    • Pause Schedule: Select this option to pause the Smart Control, if scheduled. When a Smart Control is paused its icon in the list turns gray and appears with a paused symbol.
    • Start Schedule: Select this option to start the Smart Control's schedule, if it is currently paused