Home Overview of Thermostats

If your energy management system includes one or more thermostats, you can access and manage them from within the Consumer Portal. Integrating thermostats into your energy management system allows you not only to control your thermostat from anywhere but also to schedule them to adjust your home's temperature automatically at pre-specified days, times, and temperature settings.

Working with schedules

You can use schedules to automatically adjust your home's temperature at pre-specified times. In many cases, a household would only need to have two schedules:

However, some households may have a day or two during the week that are different from these two schedules. For example, maybe you have a weekday that you work late and another that you leave work early. You could then use multiple schedules to accommodate your unique scheduling needs. In this case, for example, you might have the following schedules:

Remember, if you an occasion when a day does not meet the usual schedule (for example, if you take a day off from work), you can manually change the temperature setting on the Home Thermostat page.

Working with multiple thermostats (rooms or zones)

If your home has only one thermostat, then your schedule applies to your entire home. However, if your home has multiple thermostats for different rooms or zones, you can use schedules to manage each zone separately. For example, you might have the following schedules:

You can mix these zones in with your workday schedule too. For example, you can have a schedule turn down your heating/cooling for your entire home during the day when you are away at work. You might then have a schedule that turns your living room thermostat up in the evening, while keeping the bedroom thermostat low. Finally, you might also have a schedule that turns your bedroom thermostat up slightly overnight, while turning down the thermostat in the living room.