Home Current Usage Report

The Current Usage report shows you detailed information on your energy consumption. You can use the information in this report to see where you are consuming the most energy and how you might be able to save money by reducing energy consumption in those areas. You can also view the report periodically to see if your energy use is trending up or down from previous time periods.

To change the report time frame:

  1. Click any of the buttons at the top of the report to show information for the previous 24 hours, 7 days, 30 days, or year.
  2. The report refreshes with information for the selected time period.

To show energy use for specific devices:

  1. In the Room Summary section, find the room containing the devices you want to show and click the plus (+) icon next to the room name.
  2. The selected room section expands and shows information for its devices.
  3. To hide the specific devices again, click the minus (-) icon next to the room name to collapse the room section.

What does this report show me?

The Current Usage report provides the following information to help you explore your energy use: