Home Gas Overview Page

The Gas Overview page shows your current and previous overall gas consumption and allows you to compare your current gas consumption to your average usage. This page is similar to the electricity overview page.

To explore information on this page:

  1. The chart shows your energy consumption. Drag the bottom slider back and forth to see earlier and later time periods of energy use. If you drag an end of the slider, you can expand or reduce the time period that is in view for the graph.
  2. Click the View Details link on the chart to open the Energy Detail page, which allows you to explore more information about your energy use.
  3. View the following information to the right of the chart. Not all information is shown at once; the screen changes regularly to display your information:
    • The Current section shows your current energy use.
    • The Rating section shows your energy use efficiency.
    • The Average section shows your average energy use.
    • The Goal section shows how you are currently progressing toward your energy use goals. The smiley face icon is the same indicator from the Forecast vs. Goal report, which you can open by clicking the icon.
    • The Cost section shows your estimated energy costs for the day and month, based on your energy use patterns.

What if the page says that calibration is still in progress?

Meter Reader calibration with your gas meter will continue after you finish the Consumer Portal setup process until the system has the data it needs. If calibration is not finished, then the Gas Overview page will show that calibration is still in progress. If the page shows that calibration is in progress for an excessive amount of time, then you might have problems with your hardware installation. If this happens, you will have to correct any problems with your hardware installation and then repeat the setup process.