Home Electric Vehicle Device Page

The device page for your electric vehicle provides tools for setting up and managing your vehicle. Note that your vehicle charge information is projected information. Its accuracy depends on the accuracy of the information you provide about your vehicle.

To manually start or stop your vehicle charging:

  1. The Status indicator shows you whether or not you vehicle is charging. If your vehicle is not charging, click the Charge Now button to start charging.
  2. If your vehicle is currently charging and you want to stop charging, click the Stop Charging button.

To set automatic charge settings:

  1. If your vehicle is not charging, click the Auto Charging button. If your vehicle is charging, you can stop charging by clicking the Stop Charging button, as discussed above (the Auto Charging button then becomes available) .
  2. When the Set Current Charge and Mileage page opens, set the charge settings to use for your vehicle.

To explore vehicle charge information:

  1. The charge indicator shows whether or not your vehicle is currently charging as well as its latest charge level. If the vehicle is not currently charging, the indicator shows the last reported charge. If the vehicle is currently charging, the indicator shows its current estimated charge.
  2. The section below the charge indicator shows you the following information:
    • Charge status shows whether or not your vehicle is currently charging.
    • Mode shows which option you are using for charging your vehicle.
    • Ready at shows when your vehicle will be ready to drive following charging.

To edit your electric vehicle settings:

  1. Select your energy use priority in the Prioritize field. You can choose to prioritize by lowest cost, energy use, or both equally.
  2. Select or clear the check box to specify whether or not the battery in your electric vehicle can be partially charged.
  3. Specify the maximum number of hours it takes for your vehicle to go from 0% charged to 100% charged.
  4. Click the Set Schedule button to open the Select Optimization Profile page to set your daily vehicle charge schedule and minimum charge requirements.
  5. When you are finished editing your settings, click the Save button.